What ABM Can Do For You

The Anat Baniel Method (ABM) provides a wealth of benefits for people facing a multitude of challenges. 

Natural Pain Relief

If you suffer from chronic pain and have not been able to find relief through traditional methods, then ABM may be the answer you’re looking for. 

Unlike traditional methods that often just mask the pain, ABM helps to get to the root cause of the issue. Because ABM improves the brain and body organization, unhealthy chronic tensions and contractions are released. The result is less pain, increased flexibility and more freedom of movement to do the things you love.

Recovery from Stroke and/ or Trauma

ABM revolutionizes rehabilitation from stroke and traumatic injury to the brain. After a debilitating event, conventional therapies force patients to practice and repeat exercises that are difficult or even impossible. The result is often poorly executed movement or outright failure. This approach not only frustrates the patient but becomes an unwanted pattern in the brain. The brain learns failure rather than the desired outcome.

ABM, on the other hand, expands on what the patient can already do. Through slow conscious touch and movement, a patient can build new neural pathways, increase awareness and expand mobility. ABM provides the optimal conditions needed to receive new information to create connections that can lead to positive change.

Increased Performance for High Achievers

ABMNM can help high achievers reach new heights in their chosen field. Performers such as dancers, musicians and athletes as well as business executives and scientists can experience a number of benefits through practicing ABM including:

  • Improved technique due to better brain function
  • Increased insight to overcome roadblocks or limitations
  • Rehabilitation from injury 
  • Heighten self-awareness to enhance both practice and performance

Improved Physical Performance for Neurological Movement Disorders

Individuals suffering from neurological movement disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease or Multiple Sclerosis, benefit greatly from somatic practice.

Science has proven that movement based activities can help improve brain function, decrease stress and boost quality of life. ABM helps individuals with PD or MS move with more intention and awareness. Through somatic practice, clients learn new ways of moving that they previously haven’t considered. As a result they can recover their sense of safety and confidence in their movement and experience improved balance and coordination.

Healthy Aging

Many seniors notice a decreased ability to move and think clearly as they get older.

ABM can help slow down and even reverse these unwanted symptoms of aging. Practicing ABM, whether it’s in a private lesson or group classes can provide a host of benefits including:

  • Increased flexibility and strength
  • Fewer aches and pains
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Better balance
  • Better ease of movement
  • Increased overall wellness
  • Improved sleep

Increased Mobility and Comfort for Individuals Diagnosed with Scoliosis 

Children and adults diagnosed with scoliosis often experience neck, back or shoulder pain. Those with more serious cases face reduced mobility, challenges with breathing and balance, and even digestive issues or heart and lung damage. 

Through gentle touch and movement, we help build new neural connections to reduce the spine curvature, increase range of movement and reduce pain. 

Improved Cognition for Kids with Learning and Behavioral Issues

Children diagnosed with learning, cognitive or behavioral issues such as ADD, ADHD, autism, dyslexia or language processing disorders are often asked to do tasks beyond their current capabilities. This push to get kids to perform beyond what they are ready for can lead to frustration and an unwillingness to learn.

Unlike more traditional forms of therapy, ABM meets the kids where they are and gives them the right circumstances for their brain to grow and create new neural pathways. Because it helps the brain to function better, children can experience a range of benefits including:

  • Improved fine and gross motor skills
  • Improved Speech
  • Better Sleep
  • Heighten emotional awareness
  • Better focus
  • Improved cognitive performance